l"International - traduzione in francese
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l"International - traduzione in francese

H E L P International; H. E. L. P. International

n. the International, socialist anthem
n. diplomacy, tact; diplomatics, management of international relations; ability to skillfully deal with people
League of Nations, international organization established after World War l to create world peace and cooperation, forerunner of the United Nations


International Standard
<standard> The series of standards from ISO and its subcommitees. [List? Text?] (1995-04-21)


H.E.L.P. International

Health, Education, Literacy Programme (H.E.L.P.) International is a charitable organisation registered in the United Kingdom. H.E.L.P. International was founded in October 2003 as a merger of charities working in Zimbabwe and India from 1992. As of June 2004, H.E.L.P. International has projects, and is a registered charity, in four countries: India, Zimbabwe, Zambia and the UK.

Its mission is to provide care for destitute or disadvantaged children through formal schooling and acquisition of necessary life skills and to assist adults with acquiring life skills that empower them to increase their self-sufficiency within their communities.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per l"International
1. L‘«International Water Management Institute» (Institut international pour la gestion de l‘eau) a chargé 500 scientifiques d‘étudier l‘exploitation de l‘eau pour l‘agriculture.
2. L international, quant ŕ lui, sera facturé ŕ 15 DA vers le réseau fixe et 25 DA vers le mobile, le palier de lunité est dune minute.
3. L‘environnement commercial africain s‘est aussi amélioré. Le Ghana, le Kenya et l‘île Maurice se sont vu décerner le prix de l‘«International Finance Corporation», un institut qui appartient ŕ la Banque mondiale.
4. Travaille aussi pour la «NZZ am Sonntag» et l‘«International Herald Tribune». «Il y a eu un jour, un fameux jour oů męme nous, dessinateurs en pantoufles des pays libres, noussommes trouvés confrontés ŕ un choix crucial: face ŕ l‘affaire des caricatures de Mahomet, fallait–il en rajouter dans la provocation?
5. Il affirme dans l‘ International Herald Tribune de lundi que les commandes pour des plates–formes ont augmenté six fois en cinq ans et que les compagnies pétroli';res auront toujours besoin de plus d‘équipements, et de surcroît de plus en plus sophistiqués, pour pomper le brut.